Sunday, October 28, 2012

Silent Hill: Revelation Review

Let me just start by saying that while I am a huge fan of the Silent Hill series, I understand that there is always room for adaptation and changes that could potentially make a movie version easier to understand or more fun to watch. Silent Hill: Revelation has none of these though. As a horror movie that's an adaptation of a horror game, it fails even on the most fundamental level of being scary. You can see everything before it happens and it doesn't even try all that often. 

Silent Hill: Revelation takes places roughly ten years after the first movie. After coming up with some nonsensical explanation for how Sharon (now Heather, played by Adelaide Clemens) escaped from the Otherworld in the first movie, the plot centers around her father's (Sean Bean) efforts to protect her from the crazy cultists of Silent Hill. The plot of the film isn't terrible. The actual idea is sound and makes sense even if you haven't played the games. The issues come from nearly everything else. The dialogue is awful, the acting is even worse, and certain events that take place within the film quite literally have no other purpose than to explain things to you.

Our lead, Adelaide Clemens does a serviceable job as Heather, easily portraying the stress and horror of the things going on around her. Problems quickly arise when she tries to act "tough". Her acting devolves and her dialogue becomes insane one-liners that would have fit better in an 80's action film.

Kit Harrington, God bless him, is probably wondering why his agent gave him this film. Looking at the role he plays, I don't understand what made him want to do this movie. He stars as Vincent, who shares only the name with his video game counterpart. A fascinating character in the game, here Vincent has been reduced to a teenager who fills every cliche in the book. Harrington's acting is -  like his leading lady - serviceable at best and cringe inducing at worst. Harrington falls a bit shorter though because for some reason he isn't able to keep his accent in check as he speaks, so the longer his lines, the less American he sounds. 

These two are the only characters you'll see for ninety percent of the movie, but the movie is filled with other actors with screen time long enough to qualify for a glorified cameo. Sean Bean is probably the best in the bunch, but I fear that if he had any more screen time he would have fallen to the awful dialogue. Other actors such as Malcolm McDowell as Leonard Wolf and Carrie-Anne Moss as Claudia Wolf give some of the worst performances of their lives. Whether they can be blamed though is hard to say as they have the worst of the dialogue. Their appearances are more of a waste of space as they only service to move the plot forward, before being cast aside permanently. The same goes for Martin Donovan, who plays the private detective Douglas. For a character who lasts throughout the entire game, Douglas serves only to explain things to the audience before he his disposed of and never seen again. Choices like this plague the entire movie. 

Despite being a chore to watch, the film suffers from being too short. If perhaps some of these characters were given more time (namely Claudia, who as the villain of the movie has about five minutes of screen time), their parts wouldn't feel so worthless. It all culminates in an ending worthy of the worst fanfiction you've ever read. 

It's not all bad though. The set design is as amazing, if not better than it was in the first film. Everything looks completely life-like, even if the monsters aren't really up to snuff. The music, a blend between remixes from the games and some original stuff, is amazing. There's even a new song from Mary Elizabeth McGlynn in the end credits. The film also has a lot of random references to the other games that fans may enjoy. Unfortunately they're so randomly placed (some even out of chronological order) that they may drive fans up the wall instead of pleasing them.

I will also briefly mention that I did wind up seeing the film in 3D and aside from a few cliched 3D moments (fingers flying at the screen for instance), it's actually very well done. The 3D add some great depth to the the outdoor scenes with the ash snowing around the town and other scenes such as the carousel fire. 

All in all, my experience with in the movie can be summed by a friend's remark to someone who was interested in seeing the film: "If you were planning on seeing the new Silent Hill movie, might I suggest stabbing your eyes out. It will be both scarier and more enjoyable."


Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Time to Talk About... Borderlands 2!

I finished the game about a week ago - and by finished I mean everything except the last side quest - and now I feel like I've had enough time to process everything I think about the game. The really short version? Borderlands 2 is amazing, easily one of the best games of the year, but it's not without flaws.
Ready for the long version? Okay, here we go! SPOILERS AHEAD!

Borderlands 2 is, at its core, better than the original Borderlands in every conceivable way. The game is longer, there are more skills, more monsters, more areas, more jokes, more story, more guns. The list goes on and on but if you wanted more out of the original Borderlands, you get it here.

For my playthrough I had originally started out as Zero, the Assassin. Unforuntately my save corrupted due to a bug with Steam's cloud saving and I lost all my progress the first day. Attempt number two was with Maya, the Siren, so that the first four hours of the game I was replaying could feel somewhat fresh. I think ultimately, that I enjoyed my time with the Siren class way more than I would have with the Assassin. The phaselock ability was magical, especially when fully upgraded.

The gameplay feels better than ever, even with the noticeable lack of medpacks in the game. Turns out you can only heal yourself at the shop now. Does this make the game harder? Yes. Does it make the game worse? Nope. A challenge is nice every once in awhile and at times Borderlands 2 was full of challenges.

The writing is - for the most part - better than ever. This is no small part thanks to Gearbox's new writer, Anthony Burch (of "Hey Ash, Watcha Playin'? fame). The little side quips of characters you pass by, to bandits who are conversing to each other, to the psychos who say the most random shit, Borderlands 2 is full of character. It's a lot of fun to listen to what everyone has to say, especially in the side quests, nearly all of which are amazing to play through. All the returning characters feel more complete than they did in the last game, making it fun to revisit these guys. The new characters thankfully, are just as fun (if not more so).

None more so than Tiny Tina. It's interesting how this character has become so divisive. You really like Tiny Tina, or can't stand her. There's no middle ground to be had. Personally, I believe that Tiny Tina is Borderlands personified. She's insane, completely out there in terms of humor, and about as spastic as the game itself.

The main story (yes, Borderlands 2 has one this time!) is... interesting. By the end of the story, I felt very confused. There are some amazing moments in the game, like when you visit the Wildlife Preservation Center to rescue Bloodwing, or when Jack is bombing Sanctuary and Overlook. Jack himself was a pretty good villain for most of the story. The trouble comes in the game's third act, when suddenly I realized that I have no idea why Jack is doing what he's doing.

This gets even more complicated when Angel's true nature comes to light. Why does he want the Warrior? Does he want to rule the planet? Does he see himself as some kind of savior? Did he want to become a god? Does he actually care about Angel or was he faking it the entire time?

By the end of the game, none of these questions are answered and it's... weird. For a game so complete it seems strange that there were all these questions remaining, especially about the game's villain. Also, why didn't we get to see Jack without his mask on!? Not a problem, but they harped on it enough to make me think there was going to be some kind "true colors" reveal towards the end of the game. Nope.

Aside from these issues though, Borderlands 2 is a fantastic experience that I would highly recommend. I never played co-op and had an absolute blast so don't worry if you don't have any friends to play online with. Now it's time to wait no so patiently for the DLC coming down the line.

What did you guys think about Borderlands 2?