Friday, June 24, 2011

Why I "Hate Nintendo"

I'm going to start this one off by saying that I don't hate, nor love Nintendo. I don't hate/love any of the console makers. Sure I own a PS3 and play the majority of my games on it, but Sony has screwed up just as many times as the other companies. The only big company I take a disliking to is Microsoft because I think they have shady business practices. That's neither here nor there though right now.

I'm not really shocked that people may have this perception that I hate Nintendo right now. I'm pretty down on the OoT re-release because I think it's pretty sad that the only interesting game on the 3DS (aside from SSFIV perhaps) that's worth playing is a game that came out over ten years ago. Slight gameplay changes and "updated" graphics aside, the game is nothing but a glorified collection on a handheld. Don't get me wrong, I understand the significance of OoT and I know it's fantastic game. I simply think the 3DS version is overhyped and overrated. Mind you I would be saying this about any collection/re-release, not just the OoT one.

I also thought their Wii-U unveiling was underwhelming and confusing (and according to Iwata, I'm not the only one). That said, I do not hate the company in any way. They've never cheated me out of my money, advertised falsely (to my knowledge) or anything like that. I knew what I was getting into with the Wii and I don't regret my purchase. I knew I was only going to buy about ten games for the system and I was okay with that. They were ten games I wanted and ten games I enjoyed thoroughly.

In fact, I'm a huge fan of certain aspects of Nintendo. For example, I'm a massive Pokemon fan. I've loved the series ever since I was a kid and if I owned a DS I'd be playing the crap out of Black/White. I'm also a big Super Smash Bros fan. I've spent countless hours playing that game with my friends. I've held tournaments, faced rivals, and so on. The game has been a part of my gaming history since its original release on the N64.

Lately I've also been having a slight change of heart about the Wii-U. I took a second look at the sizzle reel that Nintendo played during their conference. Now while I'll never buy Arkham City for the system, the rest of the games look like they could actually be launch games for the system. Should they carry with them some fantastic use of the controller, I could see myself buying the system and some of those games for that system. Hearing Valve say that they're interested in the system really helped as well. They're one of my favorite developers and I know they would use the controller to its fullest potential.

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