Sunday, May 6, 2012

Avengers and Summer Movies!

Thursday night I saw The Avengers. I went to the midnight premiere with my sister and a few friends. Despite everything I hate about movie theaters, people seem to know the code for midnight premieres. They know to be quiet during the movie, cheering only lasts a few seconds, and all phones are turned off. It's great.

As for the movie itself, Avengers was amazing. I hope to write a full review of the film, but in short I couldn't recommend it more. Be sure to stay through the entire credits though! There are two scenes during the credits. One is about a quarter of the way through and one is at the very end. I only say this because everyone saw the first scene and then started getting up to leave the theater.

People seem to underplay the importance of this movie and what Marvel has accomplished by being successful at this. Marvel has successfully created a living universe that cross over several movies with several different main characters. Then they had them all come together in one movie. The Avenger is the ultimate crossover film, but more importantly it proves that if done correctly you can sustain a universe of characters. Now if only DC would get their heads out of their asses and do the same for their library of characters.

The Avengers also kicks off the summer of awesome movies as well. In a month Prometheus (June 8), the Alien prequel movie comes out. Very excited for that one because I'm a big fan of sci-fi horror movies (good ones are just hard to come by) and the trailers are really intense.

A month after Prometheus comes is the new Spider-Man movie (July 3). I'm not... super excited about this movie yet. The newest trailer is pretty awesome but something isn't clicking for me yet. I love Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield and the villain looks cool but I'm not just there yet. I'll go see it and I'll probably enjoy it enough, I hope.

Of course after Spider-Man comes my most anticipated move of the year: The Dark Knight Rises (July 20). I won't lie, when the newest trailer came out a few days ago, I flipped out. I couldn't be more excited for this movie. Definitely counting down the days until the midnight premiere.

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