Monday, May 21, 2012

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Diablo Videos

You guys no doubt heard about it, most of you are probably apart of it. Diablo 3 launched on Tuesday. It was insane. I decided to buy the game about 3 hours before it launched but I knew for a fact I'd never be able to play when the servers went live (the fact that it went live at 3AM EST didn't help).

Now that I've been in the game for awhile though, things have picked up. The MegaMidnightGaming YouTube channel has a ton of videos going love on it now. So far most of them are of the Demon Hunter class but we've got some Monk and Witch Doctor gameplay mixed in there. Eddie and I played some co-op as well. Tons of new videos will be going up as the days go on. Each day will focus on a specific class so that way, if you're only interested in a one particular class you won't have to wonder when you'll be seeing more of them.

As for what I think of the game, well I'll point you towards the latest episode of the MMG podcast. If you're reading this exactly when I've put it up (around 1:40 AM) then it won't be live yet. But by Monday night it should be online.

Summer is getting closer and closer. With summer unfortunately comes the end of regularly scheduled television seasons. Everything is wrapping up. Sure there are still a few shows that run into the summer, and a few good ones that actually air during the summer, but for the most part the TV season is over.

All we have to look forward to is the return of our favorite series in September alongside new pilots. This year there are fewer new shows worth checking out than ever. One has struck me as particularly odd though and that's Elementary, CBS' modern day Sherlock Holmes procedural. Now obviously CBS is known for their procedurals. There's no doubting that's why they're still the number one network.

Now obviously they want to capitalize on the success of the phenomenal BBC series Sherlock which is a modern telling of Sherlock Holmes in London.... not in NY where Elementary is set. The whole thing is a mixed bag. Sherlock is like some drug addict who'd just finished rehab. Watson is suddenly a woman... Not that that's a "big deal" or whatever, and I realize that in the books Sherlock was indeed a drug addict. I just feel like they're trying too hard to be really different than Sherlock so they don't get sued into oblivion. BBC has not licensed the show for reproduction in the US so if they deemed it necessary they could sue over copyright infringement. I'm sure no one wants to do that, but if they stray too close to Sherlock then I would expect things to get nasty.

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