Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Designing the Future: Nintendo's Online System

It's been clear for some time that Nintendo barely knows how to handle themselves online. The Wii's online functionality is limited and the Wii U's attempt to have everyone else handle online doesn't look to fix that. What Nintendo needs is a united system similar to the way Xbox 360 and PS3 have it. You may think that if Nintendo does this, they'll become too similar to the other companies and lose their "uniqueness". Despite that, there are still areas for Nintendo to leave their mark.

Besides the ability to create and manage your own profile, achievements are the thing most gamers want on their Nintendo games. Nintendo has resisted the idea over the past few years, but I suspect it won't be long before they submit. After all, if they're goal is to attract the "hardcore" audience, what better way to do so than through achievements?

Standard achievements though, may not be enough of an incentive for people who have lived on the Xbox and PS3 for so long. An easy way to bring gamers back under Nintendo is to combine achievements with Club Nintendo. Club Nintendo for those who don't know, is a "rewards program" that uses a point system based on the amount of games you register. The awards go from really cool, to extremely tacky. The idea is nice though and has merit.

My idea is to have is implement the achievement like "Stamps" that Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort had as the "achievements" of Nintendo's system. Each Stamp would be worth a certain amount of coins, which would double as your points (or Gamer Score if you prefer). The coins would have a secondary purpose though, and that's to be used to purchase things in the online store. I think it would be silly to be able to buy everything in the store using these coins (such as WiiWare titles or other DLC if that ever happens), but I think being able to buy retro games using these coins would make for a huge draw. There would still be the option to pay real money for these games if you didn't have enough coins, but it's a nice way to reward people who spend hours and hours completing every achievement in their game. It would make your Gamer Score worth something instead of just being a simple number.

So what do you guys think? Would this be a system you could get behind? What flaws do you see in it and how would you improve it? Let me know!

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