Monday, January 9, 2012

The Year of 2012 Starts Now

Today is my first day back at classes. And to commemorate it, there's snow everywhere! While snow is nice to look at and play in, it's a bitch to drive in, especially since Virginian drivers are complete morons. Thankfully my school isn't too far from where I live, but I imagine it's going to be harder than it should be to get there.

Now I know my semester starts extraordinarily early compared to other colleges (at least three that I know of so far), but what about you guys? How many of you are starting classes this week? Are you ready for the new semester?

Today basically marks the true beginning of 2012 for me. While the last week has been nice, with barely any work or any worries, it was a glorified holiday. From now until May my life will be classes and work (with PAX East mixed in there somewhere). It feels a bit daunting to be honest, trying to work and manage my classes. I'm doing my best to keep a positive mind about it though. One video I draw strength from is Day[9]'s video on Being Relentlessly Positive.

I won't go into a whole thing about who he is and why I follow him, but if you know the StarCraft 2 scene at all, then you know who Day[9] is. Sufficed to say though, his advice is something I need to heed. I worry quite a bit about burning out and then suddenly losing the ability to do my job properly and keep my grades up. My goal is to be done with community college by June/mid July (summer classes will be involved unfortunately), and I don't want anything to prevent that from happening.

One piece of advice Day[9] does share is to look at things that take a long time (such as losing weight or a long essay, etc) and instead of looking at them like "ugh, this is going to take forever" or "this will never happen" to look at them in the vein of "oh so it will only take four months? Great, I can start tomorrow and in four months, I'll have lost all that weight.". (Hopefully that made some sense, I spent forever editing the grammar there and it still doesn't feel right). This outlook is something I feel is what I'll need to get through the next few months of school and work without feeling overwhelmed.
I think that's enough from me at the moment. To those beginning classes this week alongside me, I wish you luck for the future.

P.S. I've really been digging this cover of "Waiting For You" from Silent Hill 4 and felt like sharing it with the rest of you.

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